Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Homeless - part deux

Homeless - part deux [continuation from Homeless]

"Things were not the way it had been."
The one sentence that will stand on its own without concrete dispute for years to come.

Changes, involutely, are indispensable to maintain an constant improvement to our lives. People climb up their ladder of needs, that is their rights.
Question comes; At what expense should this rate of change comes about?

Vietnam, ten years ago, still had cyclists rolling down its sunray filled street.
China, ten years ago, on the very day that this is written, was about to reclaim their lost pride of a hundred years, China to return as the main force in economy and wealth.

At what rate of change is it possible for a seamless switch for People?
A third of China got hit by acid rain, with more percentage of China expecting an impact on their lives soon. The presence of acid rain brings about a change of lifestyle for those affected. The crops that feeds the mouths of millions will, well, turn sour.

Rapid changes brings about rapid need for changes, vicious cycle.
Would you trade wealth for joy?

At the end of it all, what is wealth?

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