Monday, September 11, 2006


Image by saklasthefool.
Mon 11/09/2006 18:42 neet

Neet - Not in employment, education or training.
Is this the new time bomb of our ages?
In spite of the development of our society, there exist a new breed of people that lost their hope on their very own existence.
Neets is real and is not to be ignored.
In countries where social security is not available, neets are usually older, lost their relations either through death or isolation. Some come to become beggars or simply do nothing. They do not care much other than their next meal.
In countries where social security helps out the needy, neets comes into the picture in the form of a younger demographic. They might be children of working class parents that never had enough time to even remember that they had a child. They do not care about food, money or what not. There is no purpose in life.
Neets are practical in their own rights. What is the point of studying, working, pro-creating new generations of helpless souls?
There simply isn't a reason in their mind for life. They would rather die, but the ones that dared had already done so. Thus neets are so lack of care that they do not even think of ridding themselves from this society.

The more interesting note is that, neets appear only in one type of society: the ones that had already been developed and is full of dreams, hopes, free market, over-running money, food, electricity, quality education, first class honors, smart people with accomplishments, in short, a developed society where accomplishments and merits are highly sought after and respected. Strive high and be rewarded.

What exactly is wrong?
What exactly went wrong?
Is this the side effect of meritocracy?
Do we discount them from our society?
Do we put back the goal in their lives?

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