Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Image by saklasthefool.
Wed 27/09/2006 18:58 emergency exit

What is the difference between a local white collar worker vs a foreign white collar worker?
The pay check at the end of the month?
The level of complacency and attitude?
The altitude towards an issue?
The ability to exercise lateral thinking to solve a problem?
Maybe it is all of the above.
Generally though, i would say it is the ability to look at a problem with an alternate viewpoint and the patience to solve a problem.
Working people in Singapore simply do not cut in when it comes to fair negotiation.
They would either start to take things personally, turn emotional and lose the aspect or simply get lost on the possibility in getting the hammer to strike directly on the pin.
They are over meticulous in founding out why, and forgo the urgency to address the immediate problem.
There must be a precedence, a regulation, a rule book, an instruction booklet, an academic qualification, something in black and white with a signiture or seal at the bottom of the page(s).
Are you guilty?
Please do not ask me,"so how do i tell?", i'm not going to give you a walk-thru like it's a RPG game.

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